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For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but, have everlasting life.

JOHN 3:16


Father, I come to your throne of mercy and grace today standing in the gap on behalf of lost souls.  Your word has declared that you have already made provisions for the lost to be saved.  In John 3:16 states: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but, have everlasting life. We come now to stand against and oppose Satan’s tactics to keep the lost souls blind.  We prayer now in the Name of Jesus: that the glorious light of the gospel of Christ, which is the image of God shine unto them now.  We stand up and oppose Satan’s tactics to rule and reign in the lives of the lost causing them to doubt the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We take authority over evil spirits, cohorts, and spiritual wickedness in high places and make known to the forces of darkness that Jesus is LORD of Heaven and of the Earth.

Father, your word says you have no pleasure in the death of him that dies in his sins but, you take pleasure in those who turn to your son the Lord Jesus for forgiveness.

Father, I pray that an open door is made for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to spread across the earth like fire and that fire will purge the hearts of the lost.  I pray that the lost would lose the scales off their eyes and begin to see the Truth that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Your word declares that there is no other Name under heaven whereby men can be saved and it also makes clear that there is only one mediator between yourself and Man and that is Jesus Christ.   Remove the arrogance and pride that keeps their minds darkened and replace their hearts with a heart of flesh, that they may receive the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I thank you Holy Spirit for plowing the grounds of their hearts to receive the engrafted Word of God.

Father, Increase the laborers that will go out in the vineyard who have clean hands and a pure heart to speak the gospel of Jesus Christ.  The bible declares in Hebrew 4:12 that the word is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to dividing asunder of the soul, and spirit, and the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (so cut now with your word into their souls so they can be free). I pray that this word declared through your saints will produce sound living in those who accept your son the Lord Jesus Christ.  We pray that they will come to the knowledge of truth that Jesus is Lord.  We pray that they will believe and accept that they are new creatures in Christ.  We pray that by the Holy Spirit they will be drawn into a personal relationship with you that will produce fruit that shall remain.

Father, we pray that the new converts will be challenged to live a life of holiness well pleasing to you. We pray that you will lead them to a Church that has sound teaching and good leadership.

We Pray in the name of Jesus that the finish work of the cross be made manifest unto them and they identify with the Work of the Cross, the Death, the Burial, the Resurrection and the Ascension of Christ and they will know for sure that they are seated with you in the heavenlies.

In the Name of Jesus we pray Amen and Amen



© Diana David-Smith. Copyright 2004 - 2017. All Rights Reserved

Prayer for Lost
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